
  • Air Mapster
  • Mrs. Mapster
  • Zippy MacPhee

Past Races

BIKE GOD Theatre

The theatre is closed this week because I said so.

Race Stats
Air Mapster
Overall:24 out of 325
Men:24 out of 152
M 30-34:2 out of 11
Finish:22:21.5  Pace: 7:13
Tag Time:22:22.9
Gun Time:22:21.5
Zippy MacPhee
Overall:35 out of 325
Men:31 out of 152
M 35-39:1 out of 11
Finish:23:35.4  Pace: 7:37
Tag Time:23:35.4
Gun Time:23:36.9
Mrs. Mapster
Overall:254 out of 325
Women:118 out of 173
W 30-34:17 out of 22
Finish:42:47.4  Pace: 13:48
Tag Time:42:47.4
Gun Time:43:26.0
Official Results
f01.jpg f02.jpg f03.jpg f04.jpg Zippy MacPhee and Air Mapster line up for yet another run - their third road race this year, and fourth running race overall. Today it's the Claremont Red Cross Run For The Red, a race that holds special significance because the 5K course winds through part of their bike college alma mater, Heavy Mudd College.

Since running is not a natural strength of the BIKE GODS, they have been working very hard to improve their abilities in the sport. Surveying the crowd, Air Mapster makes a bold prediction: that both will earn medals. This, in spite of the fact that only the top 3 in each age group will get one today. Will his prognostication come true?

Meanwhile, Mrs. Mapster hangs out in the back of the crowd, preparing to run her first race ever. Her plan is to lull her competitors into a false sense of security, then attack and overtake them by the end of the race.

f05.jpg f23.jpg The gun fires and they're off!
f06.jpg f07.jpg f08.jpg Some 22 minutes later, Air Mapster makes an appearance at the finish line. His time is impressive indeed, marking a personal best for the year. Will it be enough for a medal?
f09.jpg f10.jpg Finishing his first competitive 5K of the year, Zippy MacPhee follows about a minute after, looking strong.
A short time later, Mrs. Mapster finishes her first ever competitive race. She's done extremely well, easily surpassing the goal she set for herself. Excellent job!
f12.jpg f11.jpg Tension builds as the crowd eagerly awaits race results. Who will stand atop the podium, basking in absolute glory?
f13.jpg f14.jpg Air Mapster pulls off quite the upset as he snags 2nd place in the M 30-34 group. Nice job (on the race; camera steadiness could use some work).
f15.jpg There, that's a better photo. And hey, there's no shame in getting 2nd place to a guy wearing a real running uniform. He looks like he's serious about it!
f16.jpg Not to be outdone, Zippy MacPhee pulls off an even bigger upset, grabbing 1st place in the M 35-39 age group. He checks the medal to make sure it's real. Yep, first place!
f19.jpg f18.jpg f17.jpg f21.jpg f20.jpg Holding the camera impressively steady, Air Mapster snaps some more photos of Zippy receiving his first place medal. Mapster can't help but feel jealous — if this race were just a week later, he would be racing in the 35-39 age group, and that medal would be rightfully his!
f22.jpg Hostility over the medals may not be apparent in this photo, but it's there, percolating just beneath the surface. Air Mapster believes he deserves the first place medal, pushing Zippy MacPhee to second place; after all, he ran the faster race. But Z-Mac is more than happy with the outcome; in retaliation for what he believes is Mapster's poor sportsmanship, Zippy spontaneously declares that he will be out of town next week, thereby missing Mapster's big birthday bash. Upon hearing this, Air Mapster storms away, seething with anger.

Will the BIKE GODS reconcile their differences? Tune in next time to find out!