
  • Zippy MacPhee
  • Air Mapster

Past Races

BIKE GOD Theatre

The theatre is closed this week because 40th place is just not good enough.

Race Stats
Air Mapster
Overall:119 out of 2178
Men:93 out of 883
M 30-34:5 out of 72
Age/Grade:57.03%  Place: 320
Finish:23:01  Pace: 7:25
Tag Time:23:01
Gun Time:23:06
Zippy MacPhee
Race:Half Marathon
Overall:219 out of 517
Men:152 out of 272
M 35-39:25 out of 37
Age/Grade:47.52%  Place: 329
Finish:2:06:10  Pace: 9:41
Tag Time:2:06:10
Gun Time:2:06:12
Official Results
f01.jpg Zippy MacPhee and Air Mapster just can't get enough of these running contests, in spite of their ridiculously early start times. It's such a refreshing change to compete in an event where it's not likely that you'll destroy the competition.

This week it's the Run Through Redlands. Once again, Zippy prepares to run a half marathon while Mapster hopes to earn a medal in the 5K. Only the top 5 runners in each age group get one for the 5K, so he has his work cut out for him!

f03.jpg f02.jpg First up is the half marathon. Z-Mac gets his game face on, intimidating the other runners. And without delay, they're off! Zippy's Consistency and Determination in this race will surely pay off in his Results.
f04.jpg f05.jpg f06.jpg f07.jpg Next up, Air Mapster lines up for the 5K. There sure are a lot of short people in this race! As soon as the gun fires, there's a lot of jostling and jockeying for place in this tightly packed crowd. It's every man, woman and child for themselves!
f08.jpg Well into the race now, Air Mapster is flying along smoothly, pushing for that top-5 spot. Of course, even more embarrasing than missing out on a medal would be to lose to that short person just behind him. Or the old guy next to him. Time to turn on the afterburners!
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Sprinting toward the finish line now, Air Mapster leads this pack of 23-minute runners. He crosses the finish line in group victory, but will it be enough to secure a medal?
f14.jpg f15.jpg f16.jpg f17.jpg f18.jpg f19.jpg f20.jpg f21.jpg f22.jpg f23.jpg Exhausted from a grueling 13 miles, Zippy MacPhee now approaches the finish line, pushing with every last ounce of strength he can muster. It's an impressive finish, faster than his previous half marathon on a far more hilly course. Well done! Just for that effort, he gets a half marathon finisher's medal.
f24.jpg Checking the race results, Air Mapster finds that he has indeed placed 5th in his age group, earning that coveted medal. Unfortunately the race organizers started the awards ceremony too early, so he is unable to claim the medal alongside his fellow M 30-34 runners. To get them back, he runs up to the stage in the middle of the 10K awards and stands in place for the photo op, delaying the rest of the ceremony while the race officials helplessly look on. That'll teach 'em!
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Zippy and Mapster show off their hard-earned medals, celebrating yet another successful running event. But maybe next week it's time to get back to mountain bike domination... it's been a while. Stay tuned!