Hi res | Lo res | It can't get much clearer than this: the sign warns of EXTREME BIKE DANGER, yet the BIKE GODS don't hesitate. They'll have the trail to themselves for a leisurely ride where any human biker would most certainly meet death. |
Zippy MacPhee easily makes his way up the first challenging slope. That sign back at the trailhead was clearly no joke, but The Zipper negotiates the sheer dropoff at the top of this cliff with great skill and prowess. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | Byondo makes his way up the same treacherous hill, laughing at the human bikers who find this little bump in the trail to be "extreme danger." |
It's time for the traditional break at the water tower to give the bikes some rest. With the strict training regimen they've been on, the bikes will soon have the strength and endurance to make it past this point without stopping. For now, they prepare for the ride ahead. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | TsaiBorg is clearly getting irritated at all this sitting around. Like his master, old Iron Henry is in the best shape of all the bikes and needs the shortest rest. |
Getting the hint, Byondo and Zippy make their way up to the top of a particularly difficult section of trail. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | Hi res | Lo res | In a very uncharacteristic move, Zippy MacPhee distracts Byondo and then proceeds to steal his bike, Chainey. Before he can react, the pair are off on a joyride as Byondo curses the vile traitors from afar. |
With nowhere to go or hide, Z-Mac apologetically returns Chainey to his rightful owner. Since it was obviously a harmless prank that will be enjoyed and laughed about for years, nay centuries of BIKE GOD lore, all is forgiven. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | This is where the real fun begins. A quick turn to the left sends the BIKE GODS down a wild singletrack trail through thick forests, across raging rivers, up steep ravines, and over a golf course or two. |
Having successfully navigated the perilous hairpin turn, the BIKE GODS race through the sunlight-spotted forest in a blur. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | Hi res | Lo res | Byondo and TsaiBorg emerge from a very rocky descent without so much as a scratch. Such is the amazing skill of a BIKE GOD. |
Byondo speeds across the water in a blur, topping out at a calm and controlled 83.2 mph. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | Hi res | Lo res | Bringing up the rear, Byondo flies through the gates at the finish line, negotiating the last obstacle with great ease. |
It's back to civilization and the unfamiliar surface made for four-wheeled riderless bikes. Zippy MacPhee and TsaiBorg lead the way home. | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | TsaiBorg stops to get a drink for old Iron Henry, while Byondo enjoys the nice bench made specifically for BIKE GODS by the Rotary Club of Claremont. They're absolutely fascinated by the magnificent rotation of our wheels. |
Zippy MacPhee always struggles on any paved surface, especially one as flat and smooth as this one. He's a trooper, though, and is determined to resist moving over to the much easier gravel. What a display of will power! | Hi res | Lo res |
Hi res | Lo res | Hi res | Lo res | Z-Mac and Byondo let out a great sigh of relief as they return to the comfort and familiarity of a gravel surface. It's been a great ride once again... |