

  • Zippy MacPhee
  • Air Mapster 13
  • Byondo 13
BIKE GOD Theatre
Not today, folks.
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Zippy MacPhee arrives in style, his four-wheeled bike splattered with white highlights in a confusing but aesthetically pleasing manner.
Just when you didn't think it was possible, he's back! That's right, Sprocket Rocket triumphantly returns from retirement to serve Master Zippy once again. MadCow has, well... problems.wheelie.jpg
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It's been awhile for Sprocket and Chainey - they both need some extra loving care before this ride gets underway.
Bored, and without anything better to do, Air Mapster plays with the timer on his camera while waiting for Zippy and Byondo to catch up.tailgate.jpg
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Bored, and without anything better to do, Air Mapster plays with the timer on his camera while waiting for Zippy and Byondo to catch up.
And seconds later they do just that, having just eclipsed the previous BIKE GOD record of 14.8 seconds from the parking lot to the water tower. Impressive riding!zibby.jpg
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That's Byondo.


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