Whiting Ranch


  • Byondo
  • Air Mapster
  • Zippy MacPhee 25
BIKE GOD Theatre
Whiting Ranch presents a challenge not unlike the great Mount Everest in its harsh difficulty. Watch the BIKE GODS as they harken back to days gone by.

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Byondo starts off the ride well-equipped, carrying the extra water packie on his back, much like the sherpas of Mount Everest carry their high-paying customers to false glory. It's a hot day, so he'll likely need every last drop.
Byondo and Zippy make their way along the trail to Mustard, which leads ultimately to the top of the world.bz1.jpg
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While it appears that Byondo is about to hurl his lunch onto the trail, he's actually practicing a new BIKE GOD technique that's too complicated to explain with words. We're always on the cutting edge of biking, constantly inventing new moves to push the limits of our abilities. You'll see Zippy's take on the controversial new technique in this week's BIKE GOD Theatre.
Byondo and Z-Mac stop to chat with the human biker who claims that her husband, just up the trail, has actually climbed Mount Everest. While this may be technically true, it's a little known fact that back in the late 19th century, the BIKE GODS of that era used to carry such "climbers" up to the top of Everest on their handlebars. They were excommunicated from the region when nobody believed that they could actually ride a bike to the top (of course no human could, but that's obvious). After the BIKE GODS relocated to southern California (hydroplaning over the ocean at high speeds), the sherpas of the area took on a vow of silence, never speaking again of the two-wheeling heroes who once ruled the majestic Himalayas. Nowadays, anyone with enough money can ride on the back of a sherpa and claim to have "climbed" the great mountain. A far cry from the old days when people rode with the BIKE GODS and were proud to say they didn't do any of the real work...chat.jpg
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Zippy and Byondo continue up the trail, eager to start the real climb and reminisce about the days of old.
The base of Mustard begins the most difficult climb in the area. It's nothing compared to Everest, but the BIKE GODS more than account for that by speeding up the mountain in record time.colonel.jpg
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Byondo reaches the top of the difficult trail in the blink of an eye, leaving the Everest "climber" far, far behind.
The tired bikes take a well deserved rest, while Byondo and Zippy contemplate ways to help nerdy kids become "cool." Yes, BIKE GODS love to tackle the most impossible challenges, even off the trail...sit.jpg
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The BIKE GODS nonchalantly stop to admire their incredible prowess and raw strength. After all, it never hurts to feel good about yourself every once in awhile!
Chainey seems to be having problems again, but nothing that can't be fixed by a little BIKE GOD care and know-how.chainey.jpg
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Using trick mirrors and a sprinkling of genuine BIKE GOD Magic Dust, Air Mapster manages to get himself into the picture for a rare appearance.


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